"Salvaging Shoes at Camp Dix"

W6428. Salvaging Shoes at Camp Dix. April 2, 1919, Camp Dix, NJ. Joseph K. Dixon, photographer.

Filling out these questionnaires gave soldiers an opportunity to express their views and report on how military service affected their lives. Some regretted the years lost to the war, some wrote of personal losses, while many others expressed gratitude at the opportunity to travel overseas and meet and work with people of other cultures.

The questionnaires convey many different perspectives of the experience of war, military service, and their impact on individual lives.  Some veterans considered the opportunity to serve their country as an honor; others tersely alluded to the tragedy they witnessed. 


Louis Bighorn Elk

James B. Cooper

Gus Gartiez

Peter E. Keshick

Joseph La Jeunesse

Ted Mahto

Joseph Northup

Benedict Saves Them



Frank Reynolds

Joseph La Jeunesse