William and Gayle Cook Music Library
Piano Literature
More information on [ The VARIATIONS Online Score Prototype | The VARIATIONS Project ]
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- Alkan, Charles Henri Valentin, 1813-1888.
Etudes dans les tons majeurs. No 1-6
- Score: M25 .A405 E9 v.2
- Alkan, Charles Henri Valentin, 1813-1888.
Etudes dans les tons majeurs. No 7-12
- Score: M25 .A405 E9 v.2
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Wohltemperierte Klavier
- Score: M3 .B118 v.14
- Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Sonatas, piano
- Score: AEK3910 v.1
- Score: AEK3910 v.2
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Concertos,
piano, orchestra, K. 467, C major
- Score: M1010 .M93 K. 467
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Concertos,
piano, orchestra, K. 467, C major; K. 482, Eb major
- Frontlog Score: CAB8970
- Schumann, Robert (1810-1856). Carnaval
- Frontlog Score: M25 .S39 op.9 K3