Nuer Field Project

Nouns Verbs Verb Book Expressions Pedagogical Grammar of Nuer Translation of Genesis in Nuer Others

Review for Lessons 4 -- 7

  1. Explain the grammatical differences between the verbs [ɛ-kɛ] and [a].
  2. Explain the difference in meaning between [a] and [ta̲a̲].
  3. How does [a] control the nouns which follow it?
  4. Translate:
    1. Nɛmɛ ɛ jɛn gua̲a̲r.
    2. Jɛn a jɛ.
    3. Ruacä̲.
    4. Nyu̲u̲rɛ baaŋ.
    5. Jɛn a rɛci̲.
    6. Gatdä̲ a raar.
    7. Ta̲a̲ kɛ gat. Nyu̲u̲rɛ raar baaŋ.
    8. Ɣä̲n a th̲ï̲̩n. Tɔa̲a̲cä̲.
    9. Cak a thï̲̩n duɛ̲ɛ̲l thä̲t.
    10. Gu̲u̲r a duɛ̲ɛ̲l. Tëë kɛ la̲t.
  5. Translate:
    1. I am outside. I'm sitting doing nothing.
    2. This is my friend.
    3. She's at the house now.
    4. He's eating. Don't bother him.
    5. Is this person your brother?
    6. Are you ill?
    7. He's on the way.
    8. Are you busy?
    9. She's cooking now.
    10. I'm going now.
    11. What?
    12. Who?
    13. Where?
    14. He's afraid.
  6. How do you answer [Ɛ jï̲̩n ŋa?].
  7. Conjugate the verb "to want" and "to eat" in the 1st Aspect singular.
  8. How do 1st Aspect conjugations differ? Give examples.
    i.e. list the 4 groups of verbs with respect to medial vowel change and explain how they change.
  9. Identify the follwing verb forms giving aspect, person, number and meaning.
    1. li̲wɛ
    2. ba̲a̲
    3. tëkɛ
    4. ti̲i̲
    5. göörä̲
    6. ninɛ
    7. tɔa̲a̲cä̲
    8. wëë
    9. a
Nuer Field Project Nouns Verbs Verb Book Expressions Grammar Genesis Others