Nuer Field Project

Nouns Verbs Verb Book Expressions Pedagogical Grammar of Nuer Translation of Genesis in Nuer Others

Unknown Lesson

Note: We don't know which lesson this page should belong to. It seems that this lesson has not been finished yet.


In cases where the modified noun is obvious in the meaning of the sentence, it is omitted.

These sentences serve to illustrate a type of meaning which is commonly desired in speech but which, in Nuer, does not follow in grammatical construction the speech of an English speaking person. Therefore, it is not quickly adopted by the foreigner.

Notice that the relative clause construction occurs in two positions in the sentences:

  1. In the position following the verb where it serves either as a pred. nominative with [ɛ-kɛ], or as a direct object after a transitive verb.
  2. In the position following
Nuer Field Project Nouns Verbs Verb Book Expressions Grammar Genesis Others